optioneering powered by
Discover new pathways to advance people, place and prosperity with applications that unlock faster, lower cost and more holistic decision making

Recent case studies
Climate adaptation and resilience
Accelerating design of key infrastructure by integrating climate change adaptation and resilience:
- 3x speed up of data analysis
- £MNs saved per asset on remediation and construction
- £25MN+ in climate related maintenance efficiencies

Fairer regeneration
Fairer regeneration through the integrated optioneering of complex, interdependent place-based decisions:
- Integrated Transport, Carbon and Planning policy insights
- Compelling visualisation for stakeholder engagement to accelerate decision making
- “Quick and targeted decision making” – Sunderland City Council

Rapid feasibility assessment
Enabling partner local authorities to optioneer the techno-economic feasibility of net zero mobility hubs:
- Automated data integration (location, grid, demographics)
- Technical solution analytics (solar, wind, hydrogen, storage)
- 50-year economic analysis in 5-year increments

Improving air quality
Connecting, analysing and real time visualisation of air quality data to inform foundational research and policy making:
- Live streaming of heterogeneous air quality sensor data
- Air quality data contextualised with place based socio-economics and demographics
- Managed data access tailored to stakeholder requirements

A just transition to Net Zero
Collaborating with Electric Places to optioneer and accelerate North Northamptonshire’s just transition to net zero (NN2NZ):
- A single place-based application for data-based decision making
- Interdependent predictions of decarbonisation policy impacts
- Compelling visualisations for stakeholder engagement

data-based decision making
Data is voluminous and fragmented. Teams spend over 40% of their time on data preparation.
Our applications built on the Compass: Engine™ platform automatically link and contextualise the data you need.
Analytics, models and simulations are the realm of domain experts and focus on siloed perspectives.
Integrate your existing capabilities in Compass: Engine™ with new analytics, simulations, digital twins and AI/ML directly in our applications.
Data fragmentation, siloed analytics and resource constraints severely limit the exploration of what could be.
By connecting disconnected data and linking siloed analytics, our no code applications powered by Compass: Engine™ democratise and scale analysis of options.

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